A busy week at Cosain Consultancy which saw us host one of our market-leading #mediasafetyadvisors courses with students coming from across the globe. We continue to provide ongoing support and maintain our presence in #israel #palastine #ukraine as well as reacting to a #breakingnews request to support our clients during the civil rest in #dublin. We maintain our commitment to rapidly deploy within 30 minutes from the request of support.
Our advisors are strategically located across the world giving Cosain the ability to support any breaking news story with fully trained staff as well as providing logistical solutions and real-time ground truth.
If we can help your organisation or if you would like to join our exclusive network, please get in touch, info@cosainconsultancy.com
#israelpalestinewar #ukrainerussiawar #mediasafetyadvisorcourse #dublin
#breakingnews #newssafety #journalism #news #riskmitigation #firstaid
#journeymanagement #rapiddeployment #cosain247 #securityindustry #situationalawareness #training #raisingstandards #cosainconsultancy