The significance of media safety advisors trained by Cosain Consultancy cannot be overstated. These professionals are instrumental in protecting journalists on the frontlines, ensuring their safety as they report crucial information to the public.
By safeguarding journalists during this critical period, these advisors uphold the fundamental role of a free press in shaping informed democratic processes. Their presence not only shields journalists from potential risks but also safeguards the integrity of news reporting, which is essential for a transparent and accountable electoral process.
Cosain Consultancy has Advisors strategically placed across the globe that will rapidly respond to any requests for support.
Our team of Media Safety Advisors are not only fully trained but also equipped with extensive local knowledge and expertise. With over 15 years of experience in the field, we ensure prestige safety and support.
🔹 Rapid deployment within 30 minutes’ notice
🔹 Trusted advisors with local insights
🔹 Dedicated to media safety and expert support
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